Delion SalesPro

Delion SalesPro - Ultimate Inventory Application Management System

About Delion SalesPro

Grow your business with the ultimate all-in-one inventory management & POS application management system. Take care of all your products, sales, purchases, stores related tasks from an easy-to-use platform, from anywhere you want, anytime you want.

One App, all the features you need

Stock/Inventory Management: Manage standard/combo/digital/service products with variants, IMEI, batches and expiry dates.

Sales & POS (Point-of-sale): Manage your daily sales from beautifully designed POS page with lots of exclusive features.

Purchase Management: Create purchase order and automatically update your daily stocks.

Stock Transfer: Manage your stock transfer from warehouse/shop to warehouse/shop very easily and swiftly.

Stock Count and Adjustment: Manage stock count and automatically adjust quantity from that if necessary.

Accounts & HRM: Manage accounts, account statement, balance sheet, employees, payroll, attendance, holidays and lots more.

The Delion SalesPro comes with other amazing features like:

Inventory management, Variants, IMEI/Serial Number, batch & expiry dates, TAX/VAT, Indian GST management, Multi warehouse/shop/business location, Unit conversion for both purchase & Sales, Currency conversion, Manage discount plans, Weight Scale Machine Compatibility, Email Notification, SMS campaign, Gift Card, Reward / Loyalty Points, Thermal invoice, Barcode label printing, Barcode reader compatible.

Delion SalesPro Admin
Delion SalesPro Admin

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